Two weeks ago we have returned from Madagascar, and we still can’t believe all the miracles that happened to us there! Fano was our guide, and certainly THE one who made it special: Fano is knowledgeble, attentive to all our special wishes, and FUN!!! If you wish to have a tailor-made trip and understand what Mada is all about culturally, culinary, geographically, Fano is your partner to make it happen! (Attila Gönczi à Tour Guide Lovemada)
Attila Gönczi
Jacopo Merizzi
Arsene est un excellent pilote, compétent, précis, fiable.
Je le dis après tant d’années de Madagascar, arsen est un très bon compagnon de voyage.
Il a une conduite sûre, rapide, astucieuse, sur la route pavée et sur les pistes de gravier et de sable.
Ponctuel comme une montre suisse aide à résoudre les petits inconvénients de voyage
Merci Arsene, on se voit au prochain voyage à Madagascar. Jacopo
Silvia D'amico
Siamo un gruppo di 8 persone e abbiamo appena concluso un bellissimo viaggio di 3 settimane nel sud ovest del Madagascar, accompagnati da Fano, Arsène e Rija. Tutti e tre sono stati molto professionali, parlano un buon inglese, sempre disponibili e molto preparati. Non sono solo driver, ma anche guide, che hanno saputo portarci alla scoperta dell’isola, mettendoci in contatto con la realtá locale e senza perdere di vista la nostra sicurezza. Consiglio Tour Guide Lovemada perché hanno una marcia in più! (Silvia D’amico recommande TOUR GUIDE LOVEMADA.)
Odi Lo
I can highly recommend Fano and Arsene’s services. They have been extremely flexible with our demands, changing the itinerary as we went along. They chose great hotels for us, shared a lot of knowledge about the countries, and basically made our stay thoroughly relaxed and enjoyable. Also the driving and navigation skills were great, even in the roughest of conditions. (Odi Lo recommande TOUR GUIDE LOVEMADA.)
Daryk Liu
Spent 11 days with Arsene as my driver and guide in June, and I would definitely recommend his services to any of my friends visiting Madagascar. His skills and endurance when it comes to driving allowed me to feel completely at ease while on the road (and the road conditions over there are pretty challenging). His fluency in most of the Malagasy dialects, in addition to English and French also proved really helpful as we traveled to different parts of the country. Finally, his helpfulness and hospitality in general made my trip highly enjoyable; I appreciated his eagerness to share his knowledge about the local culture, wildlife, and points of interest. Highly recommended. (Daryk Liu a donné son avis sur TOUR GUIDE LOVEMADA – 5 étoiles)